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…and that's a wrap! It has been such an incredible Month of Love working with our stylists, the Birkenhead Point team, participating Retailers and everyone involved in our Stylist in Residence program. We had…

  • 15 Mys Tyler Contributors walk the Birkenhead Point runway wearing the latest fashion from 13 participating retailers: Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, Sass & Bide, Country Road, Ginger & Smart, Sheike, Forever New, Nine West, Mara & Mine (WeShow) and Converse.

In a celebration of our differences, these models represented women at all stages of life:

  • Age: 16 - 70 years old

  • Size: 6 - 20

  • Height: 5'1" - 5'10"

  • Pregnancy: Marizela - 8.5 months pregnant

  • Children: Ally walked the runway with her 10 month old

  • Culture: Safa represented Muslim/modest fashion

We’d love to thank all of the stylists, interns, volunteers and assistants involved in making our Fashion Show so fabulous for all. Our beautiful Contributors ended the show by dancing together on the runway as audience members cheered us on. We could not be more proud of and grateful for everyone involved.

How gorgeous are our ladies? We love them! You can find each of these Stylish beauties on our app which is free to install on Google Play and App Store.


  1. Marizela

  2. Larissa

  3. Jesse

  4. Sarah

  5. Amy

  6. Hannah

  7. Bella

  8. Viktoria

  9. Antonia

  10. Elizabeth

  11. Ally

  12. Georgina

  13. Safa

  14. Lis

  15. Sonya

Stylists: Sonya, Lis & Jesse

Photographer - Karolina Kaczynksa

Videographer - Tristan Cascailh

DJ: Toni

MC: Priya

Shopping centre: @birkenheadpoint



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