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If you’ve been paying attention (or even if you haven’t — that’s part of the growth hack) you might have noticed that the Mys Tyler icon has been getting some style overhauls.

We’ve started switching our icon creative with each big update to the app.

Behind the scenes we’re always building, tweaking and developing to give you all more functionality so you can discover as many of our amazing fashion contributors, and as much of or fabulous content as possible.

Most of these changes require us to release a new build, which is submitted to Google Play and to the App Store for approval. Once it passes, it’s live in the stores for you to update and enjoy.

For those of you who have been around since the very beginning you’ll remember how simple our app first was. You could match with contributors and follow them and that was about it. You couldn’t even like, save or comment!!! We’ve come a long way since then, but it’s also why we want to ensure people keep checking in on what’s new… as we are always getting better.

By changing the icon it’s a prompt to let you know something is new. It’s also a growth hack, someone who may not have checked Mys Tyler for a while might notice the icon change and take another look 🙌

The Sequin release (approved earlier today) is the most exciting (in my mind) since we launched Daily Inspo. We now have an Inspo tab at the bottom that is the new home to Daily Inspo and curated collections we call “Mys Tyler’s Edit”.

For our Contributors, we have introduced the “Contributor Hub” where you can find brand partnership opportunities and ways to score points to earn more rewards.

We love the sequins app, I’ve never seen any app icon like it. It’s fashion, it’s fun and it’s fabulous.

So… update your Mys Tyler and check it all out.

Love always, Sarah



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