It’s been a while since we’ve posted a startup story, because we have been BUSY, if you haven’t been loving all our #fullbloom content, check it out. More to come on that later.
For now we wanted to share a HUGE milestone. We’ve had 350,000 downloads, and over 200,000 accounts created joining the Mys Tyler community!
Startups are tough, our team at the moment is particularly burnt out, we’ve been running really hard for a long time. Which is why knowing that we’ve created something that is impacting so many women around the world means so much to us and makes it all so worthwhile. We truly love what we do, even if we’re a bit (read: a lot) exhausted ;)
Thank you to all for joining our journey, Mys Tyler app is officially now 2 years young, but we are really and truly still at the very beginning and all the best is yet to come.
Cheers to us all!